

Organizational design focuses on creating structures and systems that maximize efficiency, collaboration, and impact. By optimizing roles, responsibilities, and workflows, we ensure that organizations remain agile, responsive, and dedicated to our mission of eradicating homelessness.

What is Organizational Design?

Organizational design in the context of homelessness support involves the purposeful configuration of structures, processes, reward systems, and people practices. This design ensures that organizations are well-prepared to address the complex challenges of homelessness, both in the present and future.

It extends beyond mere charting of structures or specifying job roles; it’s about aligning the organization’s structure with its overarching mission, vision, and strategic objectives in the fight against homelessness. Effective organizational design harmonizes all facets of the organization, fostering streamlined operations, transparent communication, and a culture deeply committed to advancing its strategic goals and, ultimately, to making a meaningful impact on homelessness.

How We Help

Deep Dive Analysis

We conduct a thorough examination of the current organizational structure, understanding its strengths, weaknesses, and misalignments.


Stakeholder Feedback

Through interviews, surveys, and workshops, we gather insights from employees at all levels, ensuring a holistic view of the organization’s design.

Alignment with Vision

Before diving into design, we ensure that the organization’s strategy and goals are clear, ambitious, and aligned with its overarching vision.



We consider not just the organization’s current needs but also future challenges and opportunities.

Optimal Structures

Whether the organizational structure is flat, hierarchical, matrix, or any structure in between, we recommend the best fit for the organization’s unique needs.


Clear Role Definitions

We ensure that every role in the organization is clearly defined, eliminating overlaps and filling gaps.

Streamlining Workflows

We analyze and redesign core business processes to ensure they’re efficient, effective, and aligned with the organizational structure.


Eliminating Bottlenecks

Through process mapping and analysis, we identify and address any bottlenecks or inefficiencies.

Cultural Fit

An organization’s culture should support its design and vice versa. We work to ensure that cultural elements, from values to behaviors, align with the designed structure.


Talent Management

From recruitment to retention, we ensure that people practices support the new design, attracting and nurturing the right talent.

Transparent Communication

We assist organizations in communicating design changes effectively, ensuring buy-in from all stakeholders.


Change Management Strategies

Recognizing that organizational design changes can be disruptive, we provide strategies to manage and mitigate the challenges of change.

Feedback Mechanisms

Post-implementation, we set up mechanisms to gather feedback on the new design.


Continuous Refinement

Organizational design isn’t static. We ensure that there’s a system in place for regular reviews and refinements based on evolving needs.

Skill Alignment

As roles and structures change, we ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge to thrive.


Leadership Development

Effective organizational design requires strong leadership. We provide training and resources to nurture leadership at all levels.

Why Organizational Design Matters

Organizational design serves as the bedrock of success for entities addressing homelessness. A well-designed organization can swiftly adapt to evolving challenges, innovate effectively, communicate transparently, and cultivate a culture where every member is valued and aligned with the mission of ending homelessness.

At the heart of our approach to organizational design for homelessness support is the belief that these organizations, akin to living organisms, must be structured to grow, adapt, and thrive in dynamic environments. We employ meticulous analysis, collaborate closely with the homeless community, and deeply comprehend both strategy and human behavior to shape organizations that are resilient, agile, and poised for success in their mission to alleviate homelessness and restore dignity to their victims.


Design, execution, and scale-up of a high-impact education alliance

Monitoring, evaluation and learning strategy (Phase I) and implementation (Phase II) for a healthcare-focused philanthropy

Strategic planning for an investment fund

Excellence in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)

Interview with Jacob Allen: Solving the ESG puzzle

The path to business impact: why and how of doing good


Cicero Group is a premier management consulting firm focused on implementing data-driven strategies for a broad mix of private, public, and social sector organizations across the globe. We work with top management to assess needs and provide data-driven decision support to capture and build value in a variety of industries and across a full range of organization structures.

We bring deep functional expertise in advanced research and analytics, strategy, operational excellence and trajectory transformation to identify and capture value for our clients. These are the pillars of Cicero Group’s overarching purpose: Help clients create and continuously deliver extraordinary results.

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