Our leadership team is merely part of the extraordinary Cicero® Group team. Our skill sets are broad and our experience is deep, allowing us to bring a breadth and depth of capabilities to all of our client engagements.

Randy Shumway

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Lawrence Cowan

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Aaron Andersen

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James Shirey

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Jacob Allen

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Miguel Howe Col (Ret.)

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Jason Richards

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Rory Brosius

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Ashley Lindsay

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Debbie Wong

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Michael Jensen

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Douglas Hervey

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Dan Case

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George Durham

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Chase Harmon

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Callie Kennel

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Benjamin Aplanalp

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Aaron Jorgensen

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Michael Jenson

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Carrie Miller

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Chris Lee

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Geoff Davis

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Conrad Taylor

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Joellen Shaeffer

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David Bowden

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Keith Allred

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Eric Melin

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David Huebner

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Paul Lambert

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Lindsay Hadley

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Jose Pires

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Jill Jobbins

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Marshall Toplansky

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Allison Miller

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Rocio Summers

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William Calhoun

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Jennifer Tankersley

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Phil Krichilsky

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Our Purpose

At Cicero® Group, our team brings a combination of experience, passion, and ethics. Our team members have a depth of experience from top-tier strategy consulting and corporate firms, educational institutions, and government and not-for-profit entities.  This experience helps us deliver cutting edge methodologies and perspectives to every project. We bring credentials from top-tier institutions, and experience in a variety of industries to inform our client solutions.  Most of us speak multiple languages and we have collectively lived and worked across six continents.

Our team includes current and former c-level executives, board members, business professors, economists, lawyers, diplomats, and data scientists. Our teams are passionate about the work they do and the results they drive. We work hard to delight clients and continually improve every aspect of our approach.  Our culture is one of over delivering on expectations and our clients routinely praise us for our responsiveness, our speed, and our ability to deliver valuable insights. At the end of the day, not only are our teams experienced and passionate, but they are ethical, down-to-earth, and friendly. We look to hire the best “all-around” people, and our clients frequently tell us that they love working with Cicero.  We are great at what we do: helping people create and continuously deliver extraordinary results.

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