About William

Revenue Growth
Risk Mitigation
Regulatory Compliance
William brings a rich history in post-secondary education and publicly-traded companies as he assists clients with revenue growth, risk mitigation, and regulatory compliance. William helps our clients accomplish these objectives by bringing a creative consumer focus, unique experience in this space, and dedication to the needs of our clients’ students and customers. These characteristics have allowed William to develop and coordinate growth, compliance and risk-mitigation strategies across admissions, education, career services, marketing, accreditation and licensing, and internal education departments.
Career Highlights
Developed and rigorously managed overall strategy in investigations by Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, individual state attorneys general, the Securities & Exchange Commission, various Offices of the Inspector General, federal and state education departments, and by the Department of Justice.
Law clerk to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and editor-in-chief of the BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW.
University and departmental honors graduate of Brigham Young University, where he was also a two-time ITCA Academic All-America, First Team tennis player, and magna cum laude graduate of J. Rueben Clark Law School.