
Make Lasting Improvements

We help you value, collect and package data to deliver value-added services or create revenue-generating products.

Our approach is founded in the theory of infonomics. We apply a systematic approach to help businesses not only quantify, but also materialize the value of their information.

We rigorously adhere to proven value realization processes in order to ensure all the valuable information is correctly identified and put into best use.

  • Create new direct revenue opportunities from your data
  • Create new indirect (operational) opportunities from your data
  • Expand partnerships and improve customer experiences through new data platforms, services and offerings

Build Value

Infonomics, a term coined by Gartner, is the practice of quantifying the financial value of companies’ information. The infonomics framework is applied so information can be leveraged as a real business asset.

Quantifying Information Value

By effectively leveraging the valuation models, Cicero brings you the expertise to better understand, discern, and evaluate your useful information. We optimize the use of your information and maximize its value.

Information Value Realization

Idle data is an expense, but leveraged data is an asset. Cicero thinks critically from your company’s perspective, helping you to uncover the unrealized information value.

Our Competitive Advantage

Cicero is not merely a data analysis services provider. We distinguish ourselves by applying strategic vision, systematic processes and comprehensive analysis towards maximizing the value of your data

Siloed, irregular, and insecure data can hamper a firm’s analytical and operational abilities. Systems across the entire corporate infrastructure need to be mapped and linked to form a holistic systems architecture framework, and, from an operational standpoint, users and departments need access to the necessary data to perform at their highest levels. Cicero can identify system gaps, evaluate technical frameworks, and identify key product technologies while keeping our clients’ strategic objectives top of mind.

Leveraging data to anticipate customer needs and actions can amount to substantial changes in the bottom line. Cicero helps clients better target and retain customers, while also helping clients understand where opportunities exist to recommend additional products and services. In addition, we use predictive models to help companies allocate resources in the most profitable and efficient ways possible. Cicero knows how to blend predictive analytics and data science with sound business expertise, resulting in actionable insights and implementable models.

Building sophisticated models and uncovering latent insights from data is only the first step towards driving meaningful improvement in business performance with analytics. Implementing models and applications into everyday workflow is the next step. Cicero can work within existing client platforms and workflows to ensure analytical findings are acted upon, or we can develop custom-made solutions to fit our clients’ exact needs. Either way, our solutions are developed with overall operational performance in mind so that our clients can quickly and efficiently use analytics to compete at the highest levels.

Assessing and identifying potential partners and vendors can be a significant resource drain, and a mistake in this area can set a firm back years and result in missed opportunities. Moreover, finding the right software vendor as opposed to just a software vendor can be the difference between hitting or missing operational and financial objectives. Cicero has worked with hundreds of vendors and can identify each’s strengths and weaknesses, while also doing a thorough evaluation to see how vendors fit into a client’s workflow.


Advanced Customer Insights through Behavioral Segmentation

The Symphony of Building a Customer-Focused Organization: A Multi-Faceted Exploration

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Customer Experience

Creating a Frictionless Customer Experience: A Straightforward Guide

Efficacy of Loyalty Programs in Augmenting Customer Lifetime Value

Charting the Customer Path: Detailed Customer Journey Maps for Strategic Business Success


Cicero Group is a premier management consulting firm focused on implementing data-driven strategies for a broad mix of private, public, and social sector organizations across the globe. We work with top management to assess needs and provide data-driven decision support to capture and build value in a variety of industries and across a full range of organization structures.

We bring deep functional expertise in advanced research and analytics, strategy, operational excellence and trajectory transformation to identify and capture value for our clients. These are the pillars of Cicero Group’s overarching purpose: Help clients create and continuously deliver extraordinary results.