
Improvement Coach

About Chris

Chris Prysock is an Improvement Coach at Ed Direction, Cicero Group’s K-12 Public Education practice. Chris has developed agency-wide procedures and training protocols for at least 40 programs and over 500 employees. Prior to this his current role, he managed the On Ramp Resource Center program for The Relatives, a non-profit organization in Charlotte, NC. This program is designed to assist youth with wrap around services with intensive case management, and a drop-in resource center. While there, Chris received numerous community accolades and Chief’s Award for partnering with Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department to create Teen Engagement and Mentorship Programs. He is known for his passion to improve children’s lives in addition to his energy and uncanny ability to make connections with people. He believes in the importance of quality relationships in all aspects of life and recognizes their significance in education.

Chris began his career working with the National Basketball Association, where he quickly realized his passion for working with youth through volunteer programs. In 2003 Chris began working at Partnership for a Drug Free NC, where he was instrumental in starting and managing the Community Involvement Program. This program, which is still running today, was created to help get middle school and high school students who were long-term suspended or expelled, and otherwise considered dropouts, back in school. He also worked closely with Glenn Smith to help create the DASH program in Charlotte, NC. The DASH program is a court diversion program for teens and their families. Over the past 16 years working with DASH Chris has worked with several thousand families to help them have better lives. 

Throughout his experience, Chris has had the opportunity to work with children from Pre-K to college age as well as working with parents, school administrators, and community stakeholders. He has worked with people from many different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds to further his mission of giving people the opportunity to live fulfilling lives. Prysock earned his bachelor’s degree from Western Carolina University in 2002 in Sport Management and Marketing and holds an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

Career Highlights

Lead Trainer – Alexander Youth Network
Manager – The Relatives: On Ramp Resource Center
Senior Faculty – International Association for Applied Control Theory
Co-Founder / Facilitator – Developing Adolescents Strengthening Homes (DASH), Court Diversion Program
Program Manager – Partnership for Drug Free NC
University of Phoenix, MBA – Master’s in Business Administration
Western Carolina University, BS – Sport Management Administration and Marketing

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