About Mavis

K-12 Education
School Turnaround
Change Initiatives
Professional Development
Adult Learning Theory
Mavis Snelson is a Senior Program Manager at Ed Direction, Cicero Group’s K-12 Public Education practice, where she works with teachers, school leaders, and policy-makers across the country. Mavis works with administrators, teams, and individual teachers to build capacity and ultimately ensure that instruction meets student needs. In addition, she works with legislators and other policy-makers to design school improvement programs that provide an influx of much needed support for chronically underperforming schools.
Before joining Ed Direction, Mavis was a middle school teacher, first in South Texas and then in Hong Kong S.A.R., China. Specializing in curriculum development, she designed and taught courses ranging from pre-AP math to Critical English Skills. Mavis is certified to teach all subjects for grades 4-8, as well as Mathematics for grades 8-12; she also has experience with students who are learning English, as well as those identified as Gifted & Talented. Mavis was a 2011 Teach for America Corps Member.
Mavis earned her master’s in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where her focus was Education Policy and Management. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Urban Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.
Career Highlights
- Teacher, Capstone Prep Education Center
- Grade-level Chair, Harris Academy
- Teach for America, San Antonio Region
- Harvard Graduate School of Education, MEd
- University of Pennsylvania, BA Urban Studies

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