About Paul

Strategic Planning
Organizational Growth
Workforce Development
Dr. Paul Lambert is president of Paul Lambert Consulting, with expertise in higher education, business education, and religious pluralism in business. His education practice focuses on strategy, innovation, and organizational growth within higher education and workforce development. He is also a leading expert on religious pluralism in society, with a focus on how religious pluralism, religious freedom, and religious accommodation impact business and the workplace. Clients include Georgetown University, University of Southern California, Brigham Young University, American Airlines, Dell, Accenture, ServiceNow, Equinix, and PwC among many others.
Prior, Paul was Assistant Dean at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, where he managed consulting and business education programs for global companies and partners, working with organizations around the world to develop and deliver student-centric executive education, adult learning, and continuing education programs that helped businesses better position themselves for greater market success. This allowed Georgetown to extend its reach, further its reputation globally, and provide critical revenue streams to the school and university enterprise. He also managed workforce development programs within the university with a focus on improving collaboration across the university enterprise, establishing a common focus among key university stakeholders, and applying innovation practices to university-specific challenges and higher education trends.
Before joining Georgetown University, Paul worked at the National Defense University (NDU), where he served as Professor and lead Academic Officer for the congressionally-funded Department of Defense and Department of State American Studies graduate program for students from over 75 countries. His courses focused on U.S. politics, economics, religious freedom and other human rights, American culture, and national security. Paul’s leadership and teaching gained him recognition as one of NDU’s most highly rated professors and the recipient of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Meritorious Civilian Service Award, the highest award available for civilian service from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Paul has also held numerous leadership roles in other education-focused organizations, including leading the development of the Freedom Forum Institute’s first executive education capability focused on religious freedom in business contexts. Paul also served on the executive education advisory board for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Paul has been an active member of the Consortium for University-based Executive Education (UNICON), a global consortium for university-based executive education for business and educational entities. In addition, Paul serves on the Board of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation.
Paul has served as a lecturer at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, a visiting professor at the National Defense University in Washington DC, and a business fellow and associate faculty at BYU’s Marriott School of Business.
Paul is a graduate of Georgetown University where he earned his Doctorate in Liberal Studies, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University where he received his Masters Degree in International Relations, Brigham Young University where he studied American Studies, Business Management, and Spanish, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he graduated from the Seminar XXI Fellowship Program focused on foreign affairs and national security.
Career Highlights
Paul is a graduate of Georgetown University where he earned his Doctorate in Liberal Studies, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University where he received his Masters Degree in International Relations, Brigham Young University where he studied American Studies, Business Management, and Spanish, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he graduated from the Seminar XXI Fellowship Program focused on foreign affairs and national security.