About Seth

Seth Folkenroth is an Improvement Coach at Ed Direction, Circero Group’s K-12 Public Education practice, working directly with leaders in education to improve academic outcomes for teachers and students. Seth’s passion for education lies at the intersection of trauma-informed mental health, and high-quality instructional practices. As an improvement coach, Seth utilizes parallel processes to help create experiential learning opportunities for both adult and student learners. Seth has a proven track record of helping move schools toward achieving academic equity for all learners by focusing on the intersection of mental health and academic excellence.
Seth’s coaching posture is informed by the research he co-led during his time at Momentous Institute, a non-profit located in Dallas, TX. During this time, he was part of a team that researched and developed a framework for the intersection of trauma-informed social-emotional health and academic excellence in the middle school space. By coaching school leaders and teachers how to teach with the brain in mind using cutting edge neuroscientific research, schools across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex shifted their school culture, classroom instruction, and saw large gains across the board in all student demographics as measured by common assessments. This research and successful implementation of this work in schools helped inform the curriculum Seth co-authored, Let’s Meet in the Middle, a trauma-informed social emotional health curriculum for middle school.
Seth has more than a decade of experience in education and has been able to work in both public and charter networks. He entered into education after learning more about the inequities that exist within the school system, and his goal is to help close opportunity gaps by prioritizing the education of the whole child. He is a certified principal in the state of Texas, earned his Master’s degree from Southern Methodist University, and holds two Bachelor’s degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. When not working, Seth prioritizes his self-care by staying active, spending time with his dog, and learning how to cook healthy and delicious food!
Career Highlights
Teacher Trainer and Educational Researcher, Momentous Institute
Co-Author of Let’s Meet in the Middle, a trauma-informed social-emotional health curriculum for middle school
Presenter at the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE)
Instructional Lead Teacher, Dallas ISD
Social Studies and Student Leadership Teacher, Dallas ISD
Southern Methodist University, M.Ed English as a Second Language Instruction
University of Pittsburgh, B.A. in History; B.A. in Political Science
Certifications – Principal as an Instructional Leader, Stagen Leadership, Teachstone CLASS

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