About Tameka

Tameka believes that every student who makes a connection with their instructors are more open to listening and learning. It is through Tameka’s hard work in the public-school system that she has had the opportunity to see students connect with their teachers and feel important in their learning community. Tameka has worked with students who others have given up on. Through her dedicated service, she has given these students the hope of finishing high school, providing them opportunities to go on to be successful members of their community. She values a quality education and feels that all students deserve it. It is important to Tameka that students have a voice and are heard.
Tameka earned her Bachelor’s degree from Livingstone College in Salisbury, North Carolina as well as a School Social Work Certificate from North Carolina State University.
Career Highlights
Homeless and Foster Care Social Worker
Education Connector for www.YourRowan.com
Behavior Specialist
Social Worker III
Mentor for pregnant and parenting teens
School Social Work Certification, NC State University
Livingstone College, BSW 2000

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