Education Must Be Legislature's Highest Priority Education Must Be Legislature's Highest Priority As we encounter a range of diverse challenges in our state and
Yearly Archives
Yearly Archives: 2019
Legislature Should Empower Educators to Excel Legislature Should Empower Educators to Excel One of the most difficult challenges for virtually any leader is effectively
The Continuing U.S. Fiscal Crisis The Continuing U.S. Fiscal Crisis Last month’s newsletter addressed some of the factors that contributed to the fiscal cliff.
The Sequester The Sequester In 2011, Washington lawmakers put pressure on themselves to balance the national budget by establishing $1.2 trillion in mandatory cuts
US Income Disparity US Income Disparity In the last three decades, wealthy households in the United States have earned a proportionally-larger share of the
Rising Healthcare Costs: The Tapeworm of the U.S. Economy Ballooning healthcare costs are overwhelming the U.S. economy. In the past 30 years, healthcare spending
A Tale of Two Economies A Tale of Two Economies The beginning of a new year often prompts us to set goals for improving
The Federal Reserve's Announcement: Evidence of a Stronger Economy On June 19th, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced that the Fed will likely slow
The “Big Data” Debate: Big Risks Vs. Big Opportunities Last month, Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the United States National Security Agency, captured
Will Europe Be the Key to our Economic Revival? Will Europe Be the Key to our Economic Revival? Marking an end to the longest